Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Worst Parents Ever

Jerry just helped Victor get into his pajamas.  And by helped, I mean held him down and forced his squirming legs into them.  The problem: Jerry picked out a matching pair of pajamas - dino top and bottoms.  Victor NEVER wears matching pajamas.  It's like his policy.  Victor's response: through tears, Victor said, "you're acting like mean foster parents!"  Moments later, as I was sitting down to publish this amazing quote, I saw my son streak through the kitchen to the living room, wearing mismatched pajamas.


  1. Cute and Funny Anna. Love these little stories. Helps me feel like I'm not the "ONLY" worst parent ever. I need to start a blog so I can document my great parenting moments. Hope you guys are doing good.

  2. Anna, this is sooooooo Victor! I love it!

  3. LOL!!! :) Its Jayce's mission in life to not wear matching PJ's either.

  4. Hysterical!!!!!!!!!! He got that from his father.

    You need to blog more.

  5. What I want to know is where did these kids get such a sense of style at such an early age?
